
A4C: A Note to Our Friends

A4C: A Note to Our Friends

I have always found myself supporting “the underdog”. Some might say “the little guy”, while the rest of us know them as “the person struggling to keep up and later finds themselves falling behind”. I have just returned from a trip to Ghana and had the opportunity to...

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A Community of Hospitality

A Community of Hospitality

This spring I moved into the community of Sunnydale. With that transition came powerful experiences, amazing people and incredible stories. There are many cultures in this community and fortunately, I got the opportunity to expand my knowledge on their customs and...

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Matthew & Crystal

Matthew & Crystal

“I have grown up!” exclaimed 11-year-old Crystal. When further quizzed regarding her participation as a leader in our STEAM camp, she gladly said, “I want to give happiness like the leaders gave me happiness.” Halfway through our 3rd week of summer camp, I sat with...

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Nazmi’s Journey with Adventure4Change

Nazmi’s Journey with Adventure4Change

“Thank you” and “Hi” are all I knew how to say when I moved from Libya with my husband and two young daughters. This all feels like a dream. But I couldn’t do it without the support from Scilla, Jeremy and Heather.” Nazmi has been an integral part of the...

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Soccer Dreams

Soccer Dreams

Last summer, there was a need expressed by community members for children to have the opportunity to join a soccer league. Recreational sports can prove inaccessible because of high high costs and limited transportation to practices and games. Inspired by his own...

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What is this “Genesis Program” you speak of?

What is this “Genesis Program” you speak of?

Bring yourself back to when you were 15-years-old. Now imagine…That feeling of earning your first pay check. The sense of purpose each morning knowing you’re being counted on and invested in. The accomplishment of mastering new skills for work and life. The reward of...

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Lexi’s Development as a Leader

Lexi’s Development as a Leader

Lexi and her family moved to the Sunnydale community 2 years ago. Her mother has become an instrumental part of the community and has been an amazing role model to Lexi. Like any other family, there have been trials and tribulations which come with life. Lexi has...

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Meet Mana on May 11

Meet Mana on May 11

We met Mana not long after this photo was taken. She, along with her family, have been a big part of the Adventure4Change story. As the eldest daughter, of what has become a very large family, Mana has many responsibilities. Through all of the ups and downs, this...

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