Summer at Adventure4Change is always coloured with events. Camps are our main focus during the months of July and August. The camps have been successful over the years in developing leadership skills and fostering communication skills. The proof was evident this year as previous campers graduated and became volunteers. By leading the younger generation in various activities, the previous participants were able to give back; and in doing so, make meaningful contributions to our community.
Similarly, the returning youth volunteers were able to make meaningful contributions to society at large by earning an income through Advenure4Change. As summer staff, they got to lead programs at the various camps.

A specific highlight of Science Camp was the trip to African Lion Safari. For some, it was the first time leaving the KW area and so their screams of excitement were beyond measure as they saw the animals and played in the water park. Another highlight was having the police and fire department join us during our Five Fun Days camp. The Girl’s Canoe trip also revealed the resilience of each individual and the group at large, as they experienced the adventures of canoeing and portaging despite the weather challenges throughout the weekend.
Overall, there was a huge sense of community in the camps that brought laughter and birthed core memories.